Emergency Management
Hamilton County Hazard Mitigation
Plan click HERE
Plan click HERE
The Hamilton County Industrial Development Agency is a public benefit corporation with the mission to advance the general prosperity and economic welfare of the citizens of Hamilton County. The primary objective of the agency is to encourage and assist entrepreneurial activity, business expansion and job creation.
Charles R. Getty, Jr.
320 North George Street
P.O. Box 950
Rome, NY 13442-0950
Office: (315) 336-3900 | Fax (315)336-3239
E-mail: cgetty@gettylaw.com
Christine E. Nicolella, Esq
PO Box 395
Delanson, NY 12053
Phone: (518) 895-2111
E-mail: cnicolellaesq@aol.com
Matthew J. Miller
P.O. Box 76, Inlet, N.Y. 13360
Home: (315) 357-3418 or Cell: (315) 369-5432
Mailing Address:
Commissioner of Jurors
PO Box 780
Indian Lake, NY 12842
Email: hamiltonjury@nycourts.gov
Commissioner: Vacant
139 White Birch Lane, P.O. Box 780
Indian Lake, N.Y. 12842
Phone: (518) 648-5411
Chief Clerk: Araina C. Eldridge
Deputy Chief Clerk: Michelle DeShaw
Register to vote, Change Party Enrollment, Address (mailing) Change,
Running for political office, Filing of Designating and Independent Petitions, Financial Disclosure Filings, Election Inspect and Voting Machine Custodian training for election day, Absentee Voting, Visit High Schools to register (18 years old).
Barry L. Baker
P.O. Box 168
Lake Pleasant, New York 12108
(518) 548-5531
Chairman: Jack Fitterer – Indian Lake
Secretary: Laura Abrams, Arietta
Robert Limpert – Arietta
Sean Curry – Long Lake
David Scranton – Inlet
Munro Collie Smith- Speculator
CLICK HERE for Code of Ethics
CLICK HERE for Ethics Complaint Form