102 County View Drive, Lake Pleasant, NY 12108
Phone Number
(518) 548-3113
Fax Number
(518) 548-5704
102 County View Drive | P.O. Box 210 | Lake Pleasant, NY 12108
Jail: (518) 548-3113 | Fax: (518) 548-4619
Office: (518) 548-3113 | Fax: (518) 548-5704
Record Keeping and Reporting 7076.7(b)(c) Each facility shall publish monthly reports on its website, with semi[1]annual and annual cumulative reports, of the total number of people who are in segregated confinement on the first day of each month. The reports shall provide a breakdown of the number of people in segregated confinement. View report here.
Sheriff: Karl G. Abrams
Undersheriff: Ronald Johnston
E-mail: rjohnston@hamiltoncountyny.gov